Luis A. Salazar

Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2022
Constructor Civil, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2011

Jerarquía Académica: Profesor Asistente | oficina: C-309

Grupo de Investigación: Gestión e Innovación Tecnológica en la Construcción

Asignaturas Dictadas

  • Propuestas y Licitaciones
  • Administración de Obras

Tópicos de Investigación

  • Lean Management
  • Lean Construction
  • Last Planner® System (Sistema Último Planificador)
  • Educación en Ingeniería


The following databases can be checked for an updated list of publications

Publicaciones en Revistas con Comité Revisor

2024 Challenges for the Retention of Women in the Chilean Construction Industry: A Quantitative Analysis , Bahamondes. M. J., Araya. F., *Olivari. K., and Salazar. LF. Araya
L. Salazar
M. Bahamondes, K. Olivari
Construcción y Transporte
2024Qualitative Analysis of the Subcontract Bidding Process in Mining Projects , *Perez. J., Araya. F., Salazar. L., and *Olivari. V.F. Araya
L. Salazar
J. Pérez, M. Olivari
Construcción y Transporte
2024Diagnosis of Gender Gaps in Higher Education: A Case Study of Civil Construction Program at Federico Santa Maria Technical University , Salazar. L., Olivari. V*., Olivari. K*., and Araya. F.L. Salazar
F. Araya
V. Olivari, K. Olivari
Construcción y Transporte
2024Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Construction Professionals’ Skills: A Case Study of Chile , Araya, Felipe; Olivari, Katherine; Salazar, Luis A.; Sánchez, Omar; Sierra-Varela, Leonardo; Neculman, BriguitteF. Araya
L. Salazar
K. Salazar
Construcción y Transporte
2024Exploring Perceptions toward Emotional Intelligence in Chilean Construction Using a Qualitative Approach , Páez, Pedro; Araya, Felipe; Salazar, Luis Arturo; Giménez, Zulay; Sánchez, Omar; Sierra-Varela, Leonardo; Neculman, BriguitteF. Araya
L. Salazar
P. Páez
Construcción y Transporte
2024Exploring the Influence of Construction Companies Characteristics on Their Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Chilean Context , Araya, Felipe; Poblete, Paula; Salazar, Luis Arturo; Sánchez, Omar; Sierra-Varela, Leonardo; Filun, ÁlvaroF. Araya
L. Salazar
P. Poblete
Construcción y Transporte
2023Paper Planes for Teaching Construction Production Systems Based on Lean Tools: Continuous Improvement Cells and 5S , Sánchez, O.; Revuelta, M.P.; Gómez-Cabrera, A.; Salazar, L.A.L. SalazarConstrucción y Transporte
2022Online Monitoring and Implementation of Commitment Management Performance and Its Impact on Project Planning in Four Construction Projects , Fabián Retamal; Luis A. Salazar, Ph.D.; and Luis F. Alarcón,L. SalazarConstrucción y Transporte
2022Development of a Commitment Management System for Construction Projects , Luis A. Salazar; Glenn Ballard, ; Paz Arroyo, .; and Luis F. AlarcónL. SalazarConstrucción y Transporte
2020Key Indicators for Linguistic Action Perspective in the Last Planner , Salazar, L.A., Arroyo, P., and Alarcón, L.F.L. SalazarConstrucción y Transporte
2018A new approach for integrating environmental, social and economic factors to evaluate asphalt mixtures with and without waste tires , Arroyo, P., Herrera, R., Salazar, L.A., Giménez, Z., Martínez, J., and Calahorra, M. L. SalazarConstrucción y Transporte
2017Perceptions of the development of teamwork competence in the training of undergraduate engineering students , Herrera, R.F, Muñoz, F.C., and Salazar, L.A.L. SalazarConstrucción y Transporte
2017Diagnosis of the teamwork of engineering students in Chile. , Herrera, R.F, Muñoz, F.C., and Salazar, L.A.L. SalazarConstrucción y Transporte

Proyectos con Financiamiento Externo

Proyectos con el nombre en énfasis indican que soy Responsable del mismo.

Año concursoTipo ProyectoN° proyectoTítulo principalInvestigadores DOOCCEstado

Publicaciones en Revistas Académicas

  • Retamal, F., Salazar, L.A., and Alarcón, L.F. (2022). Online Monitoring and Implementation of Commitment Management Performance and its Impact on Project Planning in four construction projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management from ASCE (in press) (WoS)
  • Salazar, L.A., Ballard, G., Arroyo, P., and Alarcón, L.F. (2022). Development of a Commitment Management System for Construction Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management from ASCE (in press) (WoS)
  • Salazar, L.A., Arroyo, P., and Alarcón, L.F. (2020). Key Indicators for Linguistic Action Perspective in the Last Planner® System. Sustainability 2020, 12(20), 8728. (WoS)
  • Arroyo, P., Herrera, R., Salazar, L.A., Giménez, Z., Martínez, J., and Calahorra, M. (2018). A new approach for integrating environmental, social and economic factors to evaluate asphalt mixtures with and without waste tires. Revista Ingeniería de Construcción, 33(3), 301-314 (Scopus)
  • Herrera, R.F, Muñoz, F.C., and Salazar, L.A. (2017). Perceptions of the development of teamwork competence in the training of undergraduate engineering students. Global Journal of Engineering Education, 19(1), 30-35. (Scopus)

Publicaciones y Presentaciones en Conferencias

  • Revuelta, M.P., Garcia-Lopez, N.P., and Salazar, L.A. (2022). “ColombiaClass: proposal for a BIM Classification System for public buildings in Colombia.” In:, 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, ISARC 2022 (in press) (Scopus)
  • Salazar, L. A., Pardo, D., and Guzmán, S. (2021). “Results of Key Indicators from Linguistic Action Perspective in Pandemic: Case Study.” In:, 29th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC 2021. (Scopus)
  • Retamal, F., Salazar, L.A., Alarcón, L.F., and Arroyo, P. (2021). “Monitoring of Linguistic Action Perspective During Online Weekly Work Planning Meetings.” In:, 29th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC 2021. (Scopus)
  • Cossio, N.A. and Salazar, L.A. (2021). “Implementing Elements of Last Planner® System in the Orchestra Wheel Method.” In:, 29th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC 2021. (Scopus)
  • Biotto, C., Herrera, R., Salazar, L.A., Pérez, C., Luna, R., Rodrigheri, P., and Serra, S. (2021). “Virtual Parade Game for Lean Teaching and Learning in Students from Brazil and Chile.” In:, 29th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC 2021. (Scopus)
  • Retamal, F., Salazar, L.A., Herrera, R.F., and Alarcón, L.F. (2020). “Exploring the Relationship Among Planning Reliability (PPC), Linguistic Action Indicators and Social Network Metrics.” In:, 28th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC 2020. (Scopus)
  • Gómez-Cabrera, A., Salazar, L.A., Ponz-Tienda, J.L., and Alarcón, L.F. (2020). “Lean Tools Proposal to Mitigate Delays and Cost Overruns in Construction Projects.” In:, 28th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC 2020. (Scopus)
  • Salazar, L.A. and Revuelta, M.P. (2020). “Simulation Paper Planes a way to teach Lean Production.” In:, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. (Scopus)
  • Salazar, L.A., Retamal, F., Ballard, G., Arroyo, P., and Alarcón, L.F. (2019). “Results of indicators from the Linguistic Action Perspective in the Last Planner® System.” In:, 27th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC 2019. (Scopus)
  • Salazar, L.A., Ballard, G., Arroyo, P., and Alarcón, L.F. (2018). “Indicators for observing elements of linguistic action perspective in Last Planner® System.” In:, 26th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC 2018. (Scopus)
  • Martínez, J., Herrera, R., and Salazar, L.A. (2017). “Propuesta Metodológica para la implementación de la Filosofía Lean en proyectos de construcción.” In:, First Latinamerican Engineering Congress.
  • Lagos, C., Salazar, L.A., and Alarcón, L.F. (2017). “Análisis de la relación entre el nivel de implementación de Last Planner® System y el desempeño de proyectos de construcción.” In:, First Latinamerican Engineering Congress.
  • Calahorra, M., Giménez, Z., Herrera, R., Martínez, J., and Salazar, L.A. (2016). “Análisis de ciclo de vida de mezcla asfáltica con/sin caucho: estudio de caso.” In:, VII ELAGEC – II SEIN2CO.

Acreditación Magíster