Invitación a Seminario Internacional

28 · agosto · 2019

Seismic Stability of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames – Current Progress and Future Challenges

El próximo Jueves 5 de Septiembre a las 14:00 en la Sala A016 de campus San Joaquín se realizará este seminario internacional a cargo del profesor Dimitrios G. Lignos de la École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

This presentation discusses selected findings of a 5-year research project, that investigated the dynamic stability of steel moment-resisting frames (MRFs) designed with deep wide flange steel columns. In particular, a coordinated experimental and numerical program is first presented that investigates the cyclic behavior of wide flange steel columns subjected to various loading protocols in order to (a) characterize the behavior of such members at large deformations associated with dynamic collapse; and to (b) provide realistic experimental data for the calibration of state-of-the-art numerical models that are able to simulate complex deteriorating phenomena of structural steel components. A system-level parametric study is then presented that quantifies the collapse risk and earthquake-induced losses of prototype steel MRF buildings, with different heights designed based current seismic design provisions. Implications on loss estimation methodologies for steel MRFs are also discussed. The presentation also provides a summary of the upcoming nonlinear modeling criteria for steel MRF columns in ASCE 41 as well as ongoing work that minimizes the earthquake-induced risk of steel frame buildings other their life expectancy.

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Acreditación Magíster